MacでEclipse CDTでCUDA開発をする


Eclipse CDTをインストール。

今回は/Developer/GPU Computing/C/src/cudatest_devをロケーションとしてプロジェクトを作成してみる。

Syntax Highlighting for .cu Files:
Window -> Preferences -> in C/C++ -> File Types -> New -> enter "*.cu" and select "C++ Source File"

Working with NVidia's Makefiles:
Here we'll make a copy of NVidia's template project and set it up in Eclipse.
cd /Developer/GPU Computing/C/src
cp -r template/* cudatest_dev/*

mv cudatest_dev/ cudatest_dev/
mv cudatest_dev/template_gold.cpp cudatest_dev/cudatest_dev_gold.cpp
mv cudatest_dev/ cudatest_dev/

In Eclipse:
New -> C++ Project ->
* Project Name: "cudatest_dev"
* uncheck "Use default location"
* Location: "/Developer/GPU Computing/C/src"
* Project types: Executable -> Empty Project


  • > Next -> uncheck "Debug", select "Release" -> Advanced Settings ->

in "C/C++ build" ->
* in "Builder Settings" tab -> uncheck "Generate Makefiles"
* Build Directory: "${workspace_loc:/foobar}"
* in "Behaviour" tab -> Build (incremental build):"" (delete "all")

in C/C++ build -> Environment ->
* Add -> Name: "PATH" Value: "/usr/local/cuda/bin" -> OK
* Select PATH -> Edit -> Value: change ";/usr/local/cuda/bin" to ":/usr/local/cuda/bin"

  • > Ok -> Finish

Ctrl+b to build should work now.

In Makefile, replace "EXECUTABLE := template" with "EXECUTABLE := foobar" so it puts the executable in the right place.

To set up Eclipse to run it:
Run -> Run Configurations -> select "C/C++ Local Application" -> "New launch configuration (click the leftmost icon on the top) ->
* Name: "cudatest_dev Release"
* Project: cudatest_dev
* C/C++ Application: "/Developer/GPU Computing/C/bin/darwin/release/cudatest_dev"

  • > Apply -> Close

Try Ctrl+F11 to run.

/Developer/GPU Computing
/Developer/GPU Computing/C/src/cudatest_dev

